nick & chloe
Chloé Claverie and Nick West hail from the suburbs of their respective cities of Paris and Dublin and both came to photography through circuitous routes.
Chloé started as an art director with DDB in Paris. Nick launched a self taught photography career in London in 1996.

Since 2005, the pair has created photographs and films, passing on their very accurate vision of their era and placing portraits at the heart of scenarios. They especially gathered attention for breathing a new life into childhood photography, and enjoy putting a twist in the way they stage their pictures, slowly leaving the world of children’s fairy tales behind, to take interest in the strangeness of an imaginary adult world. Beyond the first impression, their pictures are an open invitation to re-discover their identity, and take in every detail, from the staging, to the set design, colours and style. Already almost cinematic shots, Nick & Chloé’s photos have naturally drawn them to filmmaking.

They’ve directed music videos and developped fashion films for brands such as Dior, Lacoste, Yaz Bukey or Martell. They have had their work exhibited in the V&A London & the Kunsthalle Berlin.

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