In 2018, Sam graduated from the esteemed NFTS animation course, with his final film ‘Facing It’ winning numerous international awards. The following years have seen Sam go from strength to strength, finessing out his technical ability which spans across various animation techniques. A project for Tate, saw William Blake’s paintings come to life on the streets of London. His Trolli social films saw an array of stop-motion puppets do some flying, dancing and a bit of burning. Commercial work for Xbox and Ebay followed; two big brands taking on Sam’s inventive and energetic way of working.
In Sam’s words, ‘I love it when animated work has an energy and roughness to it, whether its fingerprints on plasticine or paint drips trailing down a wet canvas, it’s always exciting when an audience can take interest in how something was made.’ That handmade, tactile way of working can be seen across all of Sam’s films, no matter the technique.